Frequently Asked Questions

Voretch Energy Technology

How does it work? Like a charm! Better than tell you... we would love to show you how it works. Contact us for an appointment. (use contact form on the home page)

Is it Solar? Nope. Solar only works if the sun is shining with no clouds. Vortech Technology works 24.7

Is it Wind power? Nope. Wind power only generates when the wind is blowing, working best at 15-20 mph. Vortech Technology works 24.7

How expensive is it to buy and install? Far less than solar or wind projects.

What does it cost to operate? Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. It operates on organically produced power.

How much space is required? You will need 1,200 sq ft to install a 1MW (megawatt) unit. A household unit needs only 4 sq ft. (size of your water heater)

Where can it be installed? It can be installed in any climate, in any location.

How much energy will it produce? For a home or small business: a 20kw unit will produce 13,800 kwh per month. For the grid: 1 MW (megawatt) of our technology will produce 8,460 MW hours annually. By comparison 1MW of Solar will produce approx. 2,190 MWh annually. 1MW of Wind power will produce approx. 4,200 MWh annually.

How much C02/GHG will it eliminate? 1 MW of our technology will eliminate 6,036 metric tons of Green-House Gases per year according to the U.S. EPA

Will it operate my house? Yes. It will also operate your business, a hospital, a shopping mall, a factory or your entire city. Capacity is from 20kw to 2,000 MW

Is it loud? It sounds like a dishwasher running when you stand next to it (less than 50 dB). It operates at ambient temperatures.

Can it be grid tied? Yes, it can be utility scale (grid-tied).

Can the excess energy be sold to the grid? Yes, in most states

Are tax credits available? Yes, federal and most states offer tax credits for our systems

More questions? Give us a call at 770.401.0239 or email us at